We are greatly looking forward to gathering at Cornerstone Fellowship Church in Apex, NC, for the 2024 Leadership Summit, November 13–15. We invite pastors, leaders, and their wives to join us as we are refreshed under the theme of Wonderfully Made: Honoring the Supremacy of God in Our Humanity.

All of humanity has been created to bring honor and glory to the Triune God. David exclaims in Psalm 139:14, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” The apostle Paul declares in Colossians 1:16, “All things were created through him and for him!” Human beings are designed by God and for God in absolute dependence upon God.

We will only thrive and flourish in life and ministry when we celebrate and submit to the supremacy of God over every aspect of human existence.

All of our teaching and discussions will be tethered to this tremendous reality. There are truly so many life-shaping, mission-inspiring, and God-magnifying implications that flow from the good news that Jesus is Lord of our humanity.  

We will be hearing from a number of TFC pastors and are very excited to welcome author and professor, Kelly Kapic, as our guest speaker. His messages will come from his outstanding book, You’re Only Human: How Your Limits Reflect God’s Design. 

Join us as we seek to be renewed in our faith, wonder, and worship! 

Kelly Kapic – Guest Speaker

Kelly Kapic (PhD, King’s College, University of London) is a professor of theological studies at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, where he has taught since 2001. He is an author or editor of more than fifteen books, including You’re Only Human and Embodied Hope, which each won a Christianity Today Book of the Year Award.  An active speaker and collaborator, Kapic has also worked on research teams funded by the John Templeton Foundation and has written for various academic journals and popular magazines, including serving on the Board of editorial consultants for the Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care.



4:00 PM

Check-In Open

5:30 PM

Fellowship Dinner

7:00 PM

Session #1 :: Wonderfully Made With Limitations
Kelly Kapic, Covenant College

8:30 PM

Firepits & Friendship


8:30 AM

Coffee & Pastries

9:00 AM

Session #2 :: Wonderfully Made With Limitations
Kelly Kapic, Covenant College


Session #3 :: Wonderfully Made Human
Shawn Powers, Redemption Hill Church

12:00 PM


Men – TFC Regional Assembly

Women – Ladies Fellowship Lunch

2:00 PM

Extended Afternoon Break

6:30 PM

Session #4 :: Wonderfully Made for God’s Glory
Ian McConnell, President of Trinity Fellowship Churches

8:00 PM

Session #5 :: Ministry & Prayer for the Churches


9:00 AM

Coffee & Pastries

9:30 AM

Session #6 :: Wonderfully Made to Need Each Other (Elder & Wives Care Presentation)
Paul Buckley, King of Grace Church

10:30 AM

Session #7 :: Wonderfully Made for Mission
Craig Cabaniss, Grace Church

12:00 PM

Doxology & Benediction


Registration for the 2024 Leadership Summit is required for those that are attending. We are offering a discount for early registration until October 15. After October 15 the price will increase $25/person.

  • Single Registration before October 15: $175
  • Couple Registration before October 15: $300

After October 15, registration is:

  • Single Registration: $200
  • Couple Registration: $350



There are a couple of hotels close to the church as well as the option for Airbnb’s.