
Trinity Fellowship Churches is a diverse partnership of like-minded churches who co-labor in mission together based upon a common confession of faith, gospel centered priorities, and growing friendships.

Our churches are elder led and represent a wide spectrum of views on congregational influence and/or affirmation. We are elder governed in our union together. Our denominational officers and structures are regulated by our Book of Church Order and administered by committees of elected elders in our denomination.

The Priority of Life & Mission

We are oriented in all we do to the priority of the life and mission of local churches. We sponsor and support church planting by helping to raise up church planters and prepare church planting teams to establish new churches in unreached and under-reached areas. We foster ongoing faithfulness and fruitfulness through localized Cohorts that promote the support and cooperation of local church elders, deacons, and members. We undergird local churches through the activities of Regional Assemblies that, with their committees, facilitate church plants and church adoptions, certify the ordinations of elders, adjudicate church discipline appeals and charges against elders, fund various Regional efforts, and oversee the health of the Cohorts.

The General Assembly

We govern our union by a General Assembly of representative elders of each local church. The General Assembly oversees our Confession of Faith and Book of Church order, forms committees, and approves all guidelines, requirements, and budgets for our various mutually agreed upon activities. Committees commissioned by the General Assembly carry out these activities in cooperation with one another. The committees of the General Assembly promote local church health and development, church planting, church adoptions, and global missions as well as provide oversight for the collective efforts and budgets of the committees. The respective committees propose and manage their various budgets, guidelines, requirements, and the staff support necessary to accomplish their activities successfully.

Faithfulness & Fruitfulness

The aim of all these bodies, structures, and offices is to promote the faithfulness and fruitfulness of local churches, along with their deacons and elders as we advance evangelism, promote church planting, process church adoptions, and contribute to global missions among the unreached peoples of the world. We do so under our common Confession of Faith as churches voluntarily and substantially cooperating together as a union of churches under our King and Savior, Jesus Christ.